Cherry Goat Cheese Ice Cream
prep time:
30 mins
cook time:
4 hours 20 mins
Total time:
4 hours 50 mins
1 pound cherries, pitted
¼ cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or pure vanilla extract
2 ½ cups buttermilk
1 cup heavy cream
¼ cup honey
2 teaspoons lemon zest
Vermont Creamery Classic Goat Cheese
4 ounces
2 egg yolks
- The night before you plan to make ice cream, freeze bowl of ice cream maker.
- Place pitted cherries, 1/4 cup honey, and vanilla bean paste into medium saucepan; bring to a simmer over medium heat.
- Reduce heat; continue to simmer as fruit begins to release its juice.
- Use potato masher or fork to mash cherries so they are slightly broken down. Simmer 10-15 minutes more or until some liquid evaporates and fruit is tender but not falling apart. (You'll have just about 1 1/4 cup fruit when it's done.)
- Remove cherries from heat; transfer to bowl. Refrigerate to chill.
- Place buttermilk, heavy cream, 1/4 cup honey and lemon zest in large stockpot over low heat. Whisk in goat cheese until smooth.
- Remove from heat. Let cool 10 minutes.
- Whisk egg yolks and 1/2 cup ice cream mixture in small bowl, then gradually whisk egg yolk mixture back into pan. Return to stove; cook over low heat, stirring continuously, 20-25 minutes or until custard reaches 170ºF or it thickens slightly and coats back of spoon.
- Remove from heat. Transfer custard to bowl; stir in 1/2 cup crushed cherry mixture. Cover, refrigerate until chilled.
- Once custard is fully chilled, freeze in ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions. Transfer ice cream to freezer-safe container. Swirl in remaining cherry mixture with spoon. Cover; freeze at least 4-6 hours before eating.